About the website and the author

Welcome to Beyond Anatolia!

This is an informative website and a travel blog about the cities, sanctuaries and other related remains/ruins/sites of Anatolia and the surrounding regions, such as Greece, Italy and other areas of antiquity.

It is my passion to share all these knowledge and spectacular areas with people in a non-complicated, non-professional and non-technical manners (such as archeology and art history..). I am keeping it as simple as possible for people to enjoy it, while providing some basic information about its history , structure of the ruins, some travelling advices and personal comments and so on. I am completely against “guided tours” and believe that discovering yourself is the best way. Road trips and hitchhiking whenever possible, is my preferred way.

Personal Information

Dear travelers, especially those who are in pursuit of historical and cultural travelling. I am Mesut, and i love travelling to historical (especially lesser known) areas. I love before all, visiting the ancient ruins of mediterranean region, be it Greco-Roman or any particular cultures of past. I dedicate this website to these fields and in future i would like to include more “medieval” parts aswell.

Almost all of the pictures in the content are taken by me personally, and the ones i have not are referenced to the respective owners and takers (usually from various websites, or from my friends). Also, when describing the history of the area, i tend to take information from various sources, which are given at the end of the entries!

Have fun and enjoy the site! I am always open to feedback, suggestions and criticism. Also, in case you want to have more information about the areas, or travelling, you can always contact me.

You can contact me on the “Contact us” section.