Kos is a rather calm, relatively small sized island located on the southeastern end of the Aegean sea, a part of the Greek Dodaconese islands on the periphery of Turkish coast (Bodrum). It houses many historical beauties as well as sweet, rugged nature and sandy beaches, and is the birthplace of famous Hippocrates, the father of medicine. One can see many historical buildings from Greek, Turkish and Italian cultures, a true blend of traditions and different timelines, from antiquity to early modern times, making the island a typical Greek cultural area with considerable different cultural elements.
This entry is different from the rest .In this entry, as part 1 of Kos journey, the town of Kefalos with its interesting zones, the ancient Agora in the Kos seaside with remarkable structures, and various important antique landmarks in the centrum of island will be introduced. The part 2 will be dedicated to the ancient ruins of Asklepeion and Kos alone.
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